Rodri győzelmet jelentő találata:
Rodri 14 méteres lövésével került előnybe a City a BL-döntőben
A mérkőzés összefoglalója:
BL-döntő: Manchester City – Inter 1–0
Gündogan emelte magasba a City történetének első BL-trófeáját:
Így vette át a Manchester City a BL-trófeát
Bajnokok Ligája, döntő:
Manchester City – Internazionale 1-0 (0-0)
Isztambul, Atatürk Olimpiai Stadion, 71 412 néző, v.: Szymon Marciniak (lengyel)
gólszerző: Rodri (68.)
sárga lap: Haaland (92.), Ederson (94.), illetve Barella (59.), Lukaku (83.), Onana (92.)
Manchester City: Ederson – Akanji, Ruben Dias, Ake – Stones (Walker, 83.), Rodri – Bernardo Silva, De Bruyne (Foden, 36.), Gündogan, Grealish – Haaland
Internazionale: Onana – Darmian (D’Ambrosio, 84.), Acerbi, Bastoni (Gosens, 76.) – Dumfries (Bellanova, 76.), Barella, Brozovic, Calhanoglu (Mhitarjan, 84.), Dimarco – La. Martínez, Dzeko (Lukaku, 57.)
A mérkőzést felvezető zenés és táncos megnyitó ünnepség zárásaként György Ádám, Liszt Ferenc-díjas zongoraművész játszotta el a Bajnokok Ligája himnuszát, amikor a csapatok kivonultak a telt házas isztambuli stadion gyepére.
Magyar zongoraművész játszotta a döntő előtt a BL-himnuszt
A találkozót a sokkal esélyesebbnek tartott Manchester City hatalmas lendülettel kezdte, így alig három percet kellett várni az első kapura lövésre, de a gólkirály Haaland próbálkozása fölé szállt, ahogy három perccel később Bernardo Silva még veszélyesebb kísérlete is.
A kezdetben beszoruló Internazionale aztán rendezte a sorait, és bár a riválisnál volt többet a labda, mégis ígéretesebb akciókat tudott vezetni, azaz korántsem csak a védekezésre összpontosított. Több esetben a letámadása is eredményre vezetett, így kevésbé tudott kibontakozni az angolok játéka.
Kevin de Bruyne-t a második BL-döntőjén is le kellett cserélni sérülés miatt
A szigetországi együttes – amely sérülés miatt elvesztette Kevin De Bruynét, akit két éve hasonló okból szintén le kellett cserélni a BL-döntőben – az első félidő utolsó harmadában megint fölénybe került, de ez többnyire meddőnek bizonyult a várakozásoknak megfelelően stabilan védekező olaszokkal szemben. Az egyetlen kivételt Haaland helyzete jelentette, de akkor Onana állta a labda útját.
A térfélcserét követően is az első BL-trófeájára hajtó Manchester City futballozott fölényben, helyenként be is tudta szorítani olasz riválisát, de komoly helyzetet nem tudott kialakítani a betömörülő Internazionaléval szemben, amely ráadásul szórványos ellentámadásaiból rendre eljutott az angolok 16-osáig, de ott az utolsó kulcspasszok nem bizonyultak hatékonynak.
A második félidő első nagy helyzetét így is – egy hatalmas védelmi hiba után – az argentin válogatottal világbajnok Lautaro Martínez hagyta ki. A vezetést viszont az angol gárda szerezte meg, amikor a sokadik hatástalanított beadás egyikére Rodri csapott le, majd lőtt hajszálpontosan. Az Inter azonnal sebességet váltott, közel is járt a gyors egyenlítéshez, de Dimarco előbb a keresztlécre, majd az előtte álló csapattársára fejelte a labdát.
A hátralévő húsz percben a kék-feketék próbálkoztak becsülettel, de a fellazuló védelem megingásait kihasználva többször is eldönthette volna az összecsapást a Manchester City, Onana azonban védéseivel meccsben tartotta a csapatát. A hajrában Lukaku kétszer is hosszabbításra menthette volna a mérkőzést az Inter számára, de előbb ötméteres fejesével a gólvonalon álló Edersont találta el, majd egy támadással később a lövése elkerülte a kaput. A hosszabbítás utolsó pillanatában Edersonnak még egy bravúrt kellett bemutatnia Gosens fejesénél, amely után viszont már ünnepelhetett is, mert a játékvezető lefújta az összecsapást.
Bernardo Silva: Tudtuk, hogy ilyen meccs lesz, de a végeredmény nem is lehetne jobb
A BL-finálét eldöntő Rodri vallomása: Éreztem, hogy pocsékul játszom az első félidőben
epa10684377 Jack Grealish (L) and Rodri (R) of Manchester City celebrates winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684375 Nathan Ake (L) and Phil Foden of Manchester City celebrates winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684383 Kevin de Bruyne (C) of Manchester City celebrates at the final whistle of the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. Manchester City won 1-0. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684387 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny among his teammates after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684388 Players of Manchester City celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684390 Players of Manchester City stand in a guard of honor formation for Players of Inter, led by Lautaro Martinez, as they go up to the podium for their second place medals after the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684398 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684399 Ilkay Gundogan celebrates with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684408 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684410 Ilkay Gundogan (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10684412 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684414 Players of Manchester City celebrate on the podium with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684415 Players of Manchester City celebrate on the podium with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684418 Players of Manchester City celebrate on the podium with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684422 Players of Manchester City celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10684427 Rodri of Manchester City reacts with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10684428 Manchester City player Rodri raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684430 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684434 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684435 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684436 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684438 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684450 Manuel Akanji (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684453 Bernardo Silva (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684454 Bernardo Silva (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684451 John Stones (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684460 John Stones of Manchester City lifts the trophy after the team won the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684464 Nathan Ake of Manchester City celebrates with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
Haaland a BL-trófeával. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684465 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684501 Head coach of Manchester City Josep Guardiola reacts as his look at the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684502 Manchester City goalkeeper Ederson celebrates after the team won the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684504 Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola poses with the trophy during the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684507 Manchester City player Manuel Akanji raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684509 Erling Haaland of Manchester City and his girlfriend Isabel Johansen on the pitch after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684510 Erling Haaland (R) of Manchester City and his girlfriend Isabel Johansen on the pitch after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684514 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684515 Head coach of Manchester City Josep Guardiola carries the trophy as he interacts with his player Rico Lewis after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
Isztambul, 2023. június 10.
Aleksander Ceferin, az Európai Labdarúgó-szövetség, az UEFA elnöke (j2) gratulál Josep Guardiolának, a bajnok Manchester City vezetőedzőjének (j3) a labdarúgó Bajnokok Ligája döntőjében játszott Manchester City-Internazionale mérkőzést követő éremosztáson az isztambuli Atatürk Olimpiai Stadionban 2023. június 10-én.
MTI/EPA/Georgi Licovszki
epa10684517 Manchester City player Ilkay Guendogan celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684518 Manchester City player Ilkay Guendogan celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684519 Erling Haaland (2-L) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684520 Erling Haaland of Manchester City watches children play on the pitch after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684521 Ilkay Gundogan of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684525 Manchester City player Rodri poses with the trophy as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684524 Erling Haaland of Manchester City waves after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684522 Manchester City player Erling Haaland celebrates after the team won the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
A góllövőlista élcsoportja:
12 gólos:
Erling Haaland (norvég, Manchester City)
8 gólos:
Mohamed Szalah (egyiptomi, Liverpool)
7 gólos:
Kylian Mbappé (francia, Paris Saint-Germain), Vinícius Júnior (brazil, Real Madrid)
6 gólos:
Joao Mário (portugál, Benfica)
A Manchester City útja a diadalig:
G csoport:
Sevilla (spanyol)-Manchester City 0-4
Manchester City-Borussia Dortmund (német) 2-1
Manchester City-FC Köbenhavn (dán) 5-0
FC Köbenhavn-Manchester City 0-0
Borussia Dortmund-Manchester City 0-0
Manchester City-Sevilla 3-1
A csoport végeredménye: 1. Manchester City 14 pont, 2. Borussia Dortmund 9, 3. Sevilla 5, 4. FC Köbenhavn 3
RB Leipzig (német)-Manchester City 1-1
Manchester City-RB Leipzig 7-0
Manchester City-Bayern München (német) 3-0
Bayern München-Manchester City 1-1
Real Madrid (spanyol)-Manchester City 1-1
Manchester City-Real Madrid 4-0
Manchester City-Internazionale (olasz) 1-0
[replacement] => [galleryreference id="2587249" align="aligncenter"]
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epa10684375 Nathan Ake (L) and Phil Foden of Manchester City celebrates winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684383 Kevin de Bruyne (C) of Manchester City celebrates at the final whistle of the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. Manchester City won 1-0. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684387 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny among his teammates after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684388 Players of Manchester City celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684390 Players of Manchester City stand in a guard of honor formation for Players of Inter, led by Lautaro Martinez, as they go up to the podium for their second place medals after the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684398 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684399 Ilkay Gundogan celebrates with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684408 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684410 Ilkay Gundogan (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10684412 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684414 Players of Manchester City celebrate on the podium with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684415 Players of Manchester City celebrate on the podium with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684418 Players of Manchester City celebrate on the podium with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684422 Players of Manchester City celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10684427 Rodri of Manchester City reacts with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/SEDAT SUNA
epa10684428 Manchester City player Rodri raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684430 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684434 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684435 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684436 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684438 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684450 Manuel Akanji (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684453 Bernardo Silva (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684454 Bernardo Silva (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684451 John Stones (C) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684460 John Stones of Manchester City lifts the trophy after the team won the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684464 Nathan Ake of Manchester City celebrates with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
Haaland a BL-trófeával. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684465 Erling Haaland of Manchester City celebrates with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684501 Head coach of Manchester City Josep Guardiola reacts as his look at the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
epa10684502 Manchester City goalkeeper Ederson celebrates after the team won the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684504 Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola poses with the trophy during the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684507 Manchester City player Manuel Akanji raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684509 Erling Haaland of Manchester City and his girlfriend Isabel Johansen on the pitch after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684510 Erling Haaland (R) of Manchester City and his girlfriend Isabel Johansen on the pitch after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684514 Manchester City captain Ilkay Guendogan raises the trophny as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684515 Head coach of Manchester City Josep Guardiola carries the trophy as he interacts with his player Rico Lewis after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI
Isztambul, 2023. június 10.
Aleksander Ceferin, az Európai Labdarúgó-szövetség, az UEFA elnöke (j2) gratulál Josep Guardiolának, a bajnok Manchester City vezetőedzőjének (j3) a labdarúgó Bajnokok Ligája döntőjében játszott Manchester City-Internazionale mérkőzést követő éremosztáson az isztambuli Atatürk Olimpiai Stadionban 2023. június 10-én.
MTI/EPA/Georgi Licovszki
epa10684517 Manchester City player Ilkay Guendogan celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684518 Manchester City player Ilkay Guendogan celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
epa10684519 Erling Haaland (2-L) of Manchester City and teammates celebrate with the trophy after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684520 Erling Haaland of Manchester City watches children play on the pitch after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684521 Ilkay Gundogan of Manchester City celebrates with fans after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684525 Manchester City player Rodri poses with the trophy as the team celebrate winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa10684524 Erling Haaland of Manchester City waves after winning the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
epa10684522 Manchester City player Erling Haaland celebrates after the team won the UEFA Champions League Final soccer match between Manchester City and Inter Milan, in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 June 2023. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU
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